



And here's another idea if you want to make something yourself... we made some of these over the christmas holidays to give to our friends and families and everyone loved them! We wrapped them in clear cellophane and tied ribbons and hand made cards to them. Thanks Nigella for this delicious recipe and thanks Tilly for letting me steal it from your cookbook while you were studying (mine still aren't quite as good as yours!)

Nigella's Biscotti
Makes about 20 (we usually double the recipe)
1 egg
100g caster sugar
1/2 teaspoon real vanilla essence
a few drops of almond essence
125g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
50g natural shelled almonds (macadamia's are extra incredible in these)
75g dark chocolate chunks (honestly, any kind of chocolate will be delish! we used white chocolate combined with macadamia's and a few cranberries)
Pre-heat the oven to 180 deg C
Whisk egg and sugar until pale and moussily thick. Beat in vanilla and almond extract, slowly fold in flour, bp and salt. When combined, fold in whole almonds and chocolate pieces, then form the dough into a loaf like log of about 25cm x 5cm, taper ends. Lay biscotti on baking paper on a tray, cook 25 mins (sometimes this varies... maybe just keep an eye on it). Take out of the oven and leave to cool for 5 mins, cut into 1cm thick slices and lay them flat, put back into oven again and cook for 10mins, turn over and cook for another 5mins.
Ta Da!!
You are too cute. xx