
Sunday, July 31, 2011


My first broccoli! I am so proud. We have been eating fresh, organic greens out of my garden for the last couple of months, i love going outside to pick our salad before dinner. It's the best feeling growing our own food! So far i've had success with rocket, baby spinach, silverbeet, and brocolli. It's kindof survival of the fittest in that garden, the lettuces didn't quite make it. Excited to start some planter boxes at our next place! x

Thursday, July 28, 2011

This face.

Being a mumma is such an indescribably wonderful thing. Everyday i love this little girl more and more. What a perfect little person she is x

Sunday, July 24, 2011


It's been nearly five months now since we left Wanaka and moved north to the beautiful Mount Maunganui. Our little one bedroom ground floor abode has been the perfect place for us to start (a fully furnished house is a handy thing when all your worldly belongings are what you fitted into one car!) but sometimes opportunities come up that you just don't want to miss! Our friends have the most wonderful little beach bach just up the road and we have been admiring it for a while now, so we were really excited when they told us they'd bought a house and that their place would be becoming free! We nervously applied... and got it! The best thing about this house, aside from the fact that it overlooks the most stunning part of the ocean, is that it has a room for Coco.. and it is just the most perfect little girls room (I'll post photos). It's a big step for us, the house has no furniture, not even whiteware, but since we decided to take it everything has been falling into place and we've already got most of what we need. In fact we just bought a bed today, eek! It is such a good feeling getting our own things, i'm looking forward to having a blank canvas that we can make totally ours and turning this little house into a home. Here are some images which are giving me some great ideas right now..

Friday, July 8, 2011

iphone happiness.

My husband bought me an iphone! He is literally amazing. I am so happy i get to take pictures of my little bunny all the time now and capture our lives in such a fun way. It's also really nice to throw away my old phone which i have had for the last 6 years! that is some serious dedication to keep a phone that long! Man i am one spoilt girl.
ps look at those lil cheeks! x

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another girl in the house.

I just bought Coco one of these beautiful headbands from Etsy. You know just for special occasions x

Friday, July 1, 2011


Ok, so the last 5 and a half weeks have been a blog write off... We have a baby now though! Good excuse huh.. She is so wonderful! Coco Milly de Beer was born on May 23rd at 1am, weighing in at 7lbs 11oz, she is a total champ and is keeping us super busy! I am completely obsessed with taking photos of her, she may feature on here a little from now on, maybe less cakes and cookies and more Coco, who has time for baking right now!