
Sunday, August 29, 2010

I officially love cookies

I am one of those people who goes through obsessive phases of things, mostly food, some phases are longer than others, years even. I also sometimes find it hard to stop once i've started, once or twice i have eaten an entire tray of these cookies by myself, before Brandon got home from work (then he doesn't have to know i made any in the first place). This recipe has evolved over the last few months and transformed into the healthiest version of a peanut butter chocolate chip cookie you can probably imagine, this in part is how i justify having so many. Here is my recipe:
1/2 cup brown sugar (i use organic raw sugar, the closer to the original form of sugar cane the better)
1 egg
180g butter
1 cup flour (i've been using buckwheat, millet, stoneground white, or a combination of these)
80g dark chocolate chopped up
1 tablespoon organic peanut butter
vanilla essence
pinch of salt

Mix brown sugar with butter well, add vanilla. Add flour and salt and continue to mix, add egg and peanut butter and then chocolate. Bake on baking paper on a tray for around 15 mins at 180 C.
This is such a super quick and easy recipe, and completely fail-proof (i like).

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