It's been nearly five months now since we left Wanaka and moved north to the beautiful Mount Maunganui. Our little one bedroom ground floor abode has been the perfect place for us to start (a fully furnished house is a handy thing when all your worldly belongings are what you fitted into one car!) but sometimes opportunities come up that you just don't want to miss! Our friends have the most wonderful little beach bach just up the road and we have been admiring it for a while now, so we were really excited when they told us they'd bought a house and that their place would be becoming free! We nervously applied... and got it! The best thing about this house, aside from the fact that it overlooks the most stunning part of the ocean, is that it has a room for Coco.. and it is just the most perfect little girls room (I'll post photos). It's a big step for us, the house has no furniture, not even whiteware, but since we decided to take it everything has been falling into place and we've already got most of what we need. In fact we just bought a bed today, eek! It is such a good feeling getting our own things, i'm looking forward to having a blank canvas that we can make totally ours and turning this little house into a home. Here are some images which are giving me some great ideas right now..

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