We went to Dan and Taryn's for an impromptu family dinner this week and made our favourite salad, i stole the recipe from her and she got it from someone else (recipes are to be shared!). It's an ideal summer salad but we added some hot beef strips and that along with the roast veges made it perfect for us on a cold winter evening in Wanaka!
Here's how we made it...
1 packet Baby spinach
feta cheese (i like to use goats feta)
1/2 pumpkin cut into little squares
around 3 or 4 beetroot cut into quarters (we used home grown beetroot from the garden, it always tastes fresh and full of goodness)
a few cloves of garlic
half a red onion cut up
beef strips (you can use any kind of meat really, or felafel)
pine nuts
balsamic vinegar
Roast the pumpkin, beetroot, onions, garlic with olive oil and salt and pepper for about 45 mins.. it's a good idea to put the beetroot in a different dish as it will turn everything bright pink! We also toast the pine nuts in a pan quickly before putting them on the salad. Mix all other ingredients and add the roast veges and meat (we just pan fried the beef strips with some rock salt, pepper, and avocado oil), top with pine nuts and balsamic vinegar.
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